Our Vision
Proclaiming and reflecting the Good News of the Kingdom of God through ministry to, with, and for college-age students in the Raleigh, NC area.
Our mission is:
To be a place where faith exploration is biblical, theological, and socially honest.
To be a place where students are able to explore their faith in an open and loving environment where, through God’s grace, disciples are formed.
To be a community of inclusion for all seeking understanding of who they are in relationship to God as creator, redeemer, and sustainer.
To be a place where lasting and healthy friendships are built.
To continually seek a deeper understanding of faith while actively engaging the world and academics from a Christian perspective.
To be a ministry that seeks to have a positive Christian impact on our university campuses.
To help young adults discover their calling as active followers of Christ seeking justice, loving kindness, and walking humbly with their God.
To help connect young adults to a more meaningful and sustaining relationship to the larger church community.
To challenge the church to consider the unique needs and involvement of young adults in their ministry.
Student Centered Ministry
PCM students assist in planning weekly gatherings, meals, special events & trips. It is significantly important to our Campus Minister & Board that each student feels they have a place in the PCM community, as well as ongoing opportunities to freely share ideas, passions, creativity & leadership. At our core, we are a community where we hope all feel welcome & and oved.